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Plantar Fasciitis Treatments From the Top New York Podiatrist

Plantar fasciitis can lead to pain and swelling against the heel of the foot, limiting activity and the enjoyment of life for anyone. Plantar fasciitis treatments can provide much-needed relief for these symptoms, allowing people to get back to their regular routines. This article will examine a number of effective plantar fasciitis treatments. Best Foot […]

Heel Spurs and High Heels: Balancing Fashion and Comfort in NYC’s Nightlife

NYC is known around the world for its unbeatable nightlife. Whether visiting a Manhattan club, enjoying a cultural event, or patronizing one of the city’s countless memorable restaurants, you want to look your best when you’re out on the town. But sometimes, looking fashionable comes at a high price. At Best Foot Doctor NY, we […]

Innovative Laser Therapy For Fungal Nail Infection: Restoring Nail Health

If you have a fungal nail infection, you might be embarrassed to wear open-toed shoes or go barefoot around others. You might also find that your daily activities are limited. If you’re not careful, you can spread your nail infection to others in showers, pools, locker rooms, and other shared environments. Having a fungal nail […]

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Feet?

Rheumatoid arthritis treatments can be extremely beneficial for many people through different stages of life. A painful and chronic condition, rheumatoid arthritis affects the joint lining tissue. More than 90% of people who have rheumatoid arthritis will develop symptoms in the feet and ankles.  Luckily, there are quite a few treatment options for this form […]

Treatment of Painful Big Toe: Utilizing BioPro Hemi-Implant NYC

Are you experiencing pain in your big toe? If so, you know how much this pain can impact your ability to move comfortably and perform daily activities. Unfortunately, arthritis of the big toe is a common problem. The good news is that the team of NYC podiatrists at Best Foot Doctor NY can use a […]

What Is an Ankle Arthroscopy? 

An ankle arthroscopy can help treat ankle problems that may appear gradually or suddenly out of the blue. Some ankle issues, such as constant pain, stiffness, and limited movement, can affect any person’s lifestyle. What is an ankle arthroscopy, and can it help you? Best Foot Doctor NY is the expert Brooklyn podiatrist clinic that […]

What Is a Tailor’s Bunion? 

A tailor’s bunion can cause feelings of pain or discomfort for anyone. This small bunion is often overlooked by many, but it can develop on the feet in no time. What causes a tailor’s bunion, and what can you do to prevent one? Best Foot Doctor NY offers tailor’s bunion correction for anyone looking to […]

New York City Marathon: Prepping Your Feet With NYC’s Best Podiatrist

The New York City Marathon is scheduled for November 5th, 2023. Are you planning to participate? Whether you’re a marathon veteran or a first-timer, preparing for the marathon is essential. The experience of preparing can be as valuable and meaningful as the time you spend running in the event. Successful marathon preparation involves many factors, […]

Surgical and Non-Surgical Solutions for Hammertoe Correction: Straightening Toes

Do you suffer from hammertoes? If so, you know they can cause many problems that affect your daily life. For one thing, hammertoes affect the way your feet look. They also cause pain and discomfort when walking, wearing shoes, and going about your daily life. When hammertoes  worsen without treatment, you could become limited in […]

Non-Invasive Ingrown Toenail Treatments | Best NYC Foot Surgeon

Ingrown toenails can be a painful condition that leaves many people uncomfortable and unable to perform their daily routines. Luckily, there are a few non-invasive ingrown toenail treatments, most of which may be recommended by a professional Brooklyn foot surgeon. This article will explore a few of the most common non-invasive ingrown nail treatments. Best […]

Top Tips for Finding the Best Podiatrist | Manhattan and NYC Area

Foot problems can come and go for many. In fact, people of any age can find themselves dealing with common symptoms of foot conditions, such as pain, inflammation, difficulty walking, and more. A podiatrist is a medical professional dedicated to treating foot and ankle problems. This article will explore how to find the best NYC […]

Best Laser Treatment For Nail Fungus | Expert Foot Care in NYC

Nail fungus can be one of the most common foot problems for many. Fortunately, there are some well-known treatment options to help eradicate this issue. Laser treatment for nail fungus is highly effective and has minimal side effects. Keep reading to learn whether laser treatment is the right step for you. Best Foot Doctor NY […]