
Medical Definition For: Callous/Callus


> Callous/Callus

What is Callous/Callus?

The definition and meaning of Callous/Callus is below:

They often result from friction and pressure, such as when wearing ill-fitting shoes or regularly engaging in sports. While calluses are usually harmless, they can be uncomfortable if too much force is applied to them. Podiatrists are experienced in providing customized care to patients suffering from hard skin calluses. This can include manual trimming, filing with specialized instruments, and the use of padding or orthotics for added support while reducing pressure on the area.

To promote future well-being, protective footwear tailored to fit may also be recommended by your podiatrist so that any further discomfort is avoided due to friction. A podiatrist may recommend medications such as topical antibiotics or steroid creams in more severe cases where a callus has become infected or painful. They may also recommend cryosurgery, which involves using extremely cold temperatures to freeze off dead skin cells from around a callus.

Lastly, if these treatments do not work, surgery may be necessary in order to remove any hardened tissue preventing normal movement. Overall, podiatrists are well equipped to treat various types of calluses through multiple methods ranging from manual filing down of hard skin areas to specialized medications and even surgery if necessary. With their expertise in foot health, they can help individuals find relief from uncomfortable and sometimes painful callouses so they can live an active lifestyle without being hindered by these conditions.

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