
Walking Smarter In NYC To Avoid Common Foot Problems

Navigating the streets of New York City tends to involve a lot of walking. Getting those extra steps in is great for your overall health. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, manage high blood pressure, and more. However, walking around the city can put you at increased risk for foot problems without taking the right precautions. When these develop, you need the best podiatrist in NYC. You need Best Foot Doctor NY!

Our team is dedicated to helping our patients navigate the city streets safely. Our highly experienced, knowledgeable team of podiatrists and foot surgeons is here to help you avoid the foot problems that city dwellers often face. In this article, you’ll learn more about common foot problems among NYC pedestrians and how you can take steps to avoid them.

Corns and Calluses: Thick Buildups Of Skin That Can Cause Significant Complications

Corns and calluses are thick areas of skin buildup. They’re often found on areas of your foot that receive too much friction or pressure. At Best Foot Doctor NY, we offer effective treatment options to treat corns with minimally invasive techniques. For your convenience, we can perform simple or more extensive corn removal procedures in our offices.

Choose shoes that fit comfortably with room to wiggle your toes to reduce your risk of developing corns. If you notice areas of friction developing, consider changing shoes or wearing a specially designed pad to reduce rubbing.

Ingrown Toenails and Incurvated Nails: Misshapen Nails That Make It Hard To Walk Comfortably | Podiatrist NYC

When you have an ingrown toenail or incurvated nail, it can be hard to walk comfortably. The NYC podiatrists at Best Foot Doctor NY can provide relief using treatments including:

  • Toenail surgery
  • Laser surgery
  • Chemical cauterization

However, you can also eliminate common risk factors that may lead to toenail problems. Wearing comfortable, roomy shoes is a must. In addition, it’s important to cut your nails correctly: straight across and not too short.

Nail Fungus: A Small Organism That’s Tough To Kill

When you’re out and about in NYC, it can be hard to keep your feet sweat-free. Unfortunately, sweaty feet don’t just create odor – they can also become a breeding ground for fungal nail infections. At Best Foot Doctor NY, you can get laser nail therapy that provides effective relief from the best podiatrists in NYC. Of course, toenail fungus can cause your nails to look unsightly, even after the fungus has been treated. But toenail restoration can help restore your nails to their original appearance.

Wear breathable shoes as often as possible to reduce your chances of developing toenail fungus. If you need to wear stylish shoes to an event, consider wearing socks and more casual shoes while you’re on the way. Then, you can change footwear once you arrive.

Hammertoe: A Toe Deformity Often Caused By Stylish Shoes

If you wear shoes with narrow, pointed toes or high heels, you may be at increased risk for developing hammertoe. This condition causes the joint in one of your toes to point toward the ceiling instead of lying flat. Best Foot Doctor NY offers many different surgical procedures to treat hammertoe. Your hammertoe surgeon can perform a thorough examination and develop an effective treatment plan. However, you can reduce your chances of needing hammertoe correction by avoiding high heels or pointed toe boxes.

Arthritis: A Common Condition That Makes Walking Difficult Or Painful | NYC Podiatrist Can Help

Developing arthritis in your toes may not be preventable. Maintaining a healthy weight and getting regular exercise can help reduce your risk. However, if you’re suffering from arthritis in your toes, Best Foot Doctor NY can help. Whether you need a toe implant, medication, or other treatment, we’ll assess your case and determine the right course of action. With the proper treatment, arthritis won’t hold you back from exploring the Big Apple on foot.

Bunion: A Hard Bump That Makes It Painful To Wear Shoes

Since wearing narrow shoes can increase your risk for bunions, you should always opt for shoes that are wide and loose enough. When it comes to treating bunions, our team has effective options available. If noninvasive treatments aren’t sufficient, you may need bunion surgery. Our highly qualified and experienced bunion surgeons can restore your foot to its original appearance and resolve your pain.

Call Your NYC Podiatrist Today at Best Foot Doctor NY!

With the right podiatrist on your side, walking in the city can become enjoyable once again. If you’re experiencing foot problems in Brooklyn, NYC, don’t wait. Make an appointment at Best Foot Doctor NY. Call Dr. Emmanuel Fuzaylov today at (718) 291 9020!

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