
Medical Definition For: Callus Reduction


> Callus Reduction

What is Callus Reduction?

The definition and meaning of Callus Reduction is below:

Calluses are areas of skin that become hardened in response to repetitive friction or pressure. These naturally-forming protective layers can be found on the hands and feet, as well as other parts of the body, such as elbows and knees. In some cases, calluses may need medical treatment if they cause pain or discomfort due to excessive buildup over time. Callus reduction is a common medical procedure that reduces the size and thickness of calluses to alleviate pain and improve function.

This can be accomplished through various methods such as paring, dermabrasion, laser ablation, or cryotherapy – each treatment helps restore healthy skin without causing additional damage. After a comprehensive evaluation of the callus area, healthcare professionals can recommend an appropriate course of action. Depending on the nature and position of a callus, different treatments can provide unique benefits – from quick paring to precise laser ablation. Paring may be employed with a scalpel or razor blade to reduce small and shallow calluses.

Similarly, laser ablation provides targeted results by utilizing highly concentrated beams of light. For more sizeable and rigid calluses, dermabrasion using a rotary tool is often effective in sanding down deeper layers of skin. However, some patients may feel residual effects such as redness or swelling, which should disappear within two to three days in most cases. Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results and satisfaction, but it’s worth taking those steps now instead of continuing to suffer from unsightly or painful skin on your hands or feet.

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