
Medical Definition For: Calcaneal Osteotomy


> Calcaneal Osteotomy

What is Calcaneal Osteotomy?

The definition and meaning of Calcaneal Osteotomy is below:

Calcaneal Osteotomy is a procedure performed by podiatrists which involves cutting and realigning the heel bone (calcaneus) to correct deformities or misalignments of the foot, ankle, and leg. This type of surgery is usually recommended when other non-surgical treatments (such as wearing supportive footwear, avoiding high-heeled shoes, and using orthotic devices) have failed to provide adequate pain relief or when the deformity is severe. It may also be used to correct problems with walking gait or posture.

During the surgical procedure, an opening is created in the calcaneus’s lateral or medial direction. Bone grafts are inserted to provide stability for supporting tendons and ligaments that support the foot – screws hold them securely in place. Subsequently, patients must adhere strictly to post-operative instructions given by their physician; this includes restricting certain activities (which you will be advised on) until full healing has occurred as well as immobilizing with a cast or brace if needed throughout the recovery process.

Following a Calcaneal Osteotomy, physical therapy is often an essential part of recovery. Physical therapy helps restore strength and range of motion in the foot and leg following the surgical procedure. Physical therapists typically begin administering treatment soon after surgery to help reduce edema and start the healing process and decrease pain levels. For those unfamiliar with edema, edema is a medical condition characterized by swelling due to an accumulation of fluid in the body’s tissue. It may appear as puffiness or swelling in the affected area.

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