
Where to Seek Relief for Heel Spurs in New York City

Heel spurs are painful, debilitating malformations within the foot that can form over time due to plantar fasciitis, excessive wear on the structures of the foot, and other issues. There are several treatment options for mild to moderate pain that can help, but eventually, surgery is the best option for severe cases. In Brooklyn and Queens, Dr. E has provided hundreds of patients with lasting heel spur pain relief.

What Are Heel Spurs?

A heel spur is a bony growth on the heel bone that extends toward the center, bottom of your foot (toward the arch). Sometimes you can feel this, but not always. The heel spur is simply a build-up of calcium and is often shaped like a spur or hook with a pointed end. Many heel spurs are the result of plantar fasciitis, a condition where the tendon that connects the heel bone to the toes becomes inflamed and tender.

The pain from heel spurs can vary from a dull ache and tenderness to a sharp, stabbing pain when you try to walk. For many people, heel spurs hurt worst when you first try to stand up in the morning, sending shooting pain through the foot. As you move around and loosen the fascia tendon, the pain becomes duller, but the ache may remain throughout the day. After resting and the fascia tightening again, the pain usually becomes more severe again.

Other Symptoms of Heel Spurs

Other symptoms of heel spurs may include localized swelling, a burning sensation in the heel area, difficulty walking barefoot, or a small bump or protrusion on the bottom of the foot. When an x-ray is taken, a bone spur can usually be seen growing from the heel bone.

Anyone who suffers from heel spurs on Brooklyn or Queens can call Dr. E’s office at 718-873-3174 to schedule an appointment for a consultation. Dr. E has treated heel spurs, plantar fasciitis and bunions in NY for years with impressive results and can bring relief from your heel pain.

What Causes Heel Spurs? 

The most common cause of heel spurs is plantar fasciitis. This is when the plantar fascia tendon, which bears most of the weight of the body when you’re walking, is inflamed. There can also be other causes, such as ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, overuse such as repetitive jumping or running, wearing non-supportive shoes, and obesity.
Diagnosing Heel Spurs
To determine the best course of treatment for patients with heel spurs in Brooklyn and Queens, Dr. E does a thorough examination. He evaluates each patient’s feet using x-rays and hands-on examination, flexing the foot to determine the range of movement, looking for any indication of protrusions or abnormalities, and asking questions about our level of pain, any problems with movement, and other issues.

Dr. E’s Heel Spur Treatment Options

Patients in Queens and Brooklyn who suffer from heel spurs can discuss treatment options with Dr. E, learning about a variety of treatment options. For less severe heel spurs, treatment options may include:
  •           Rest and taking pressure off the heel for some time
  •           Anti-inflammatory medications and icing of the area
  •           Stretching exercises to improve the function of the fascia
  •           Physical therapy
  •           Orthotics to provide support to the arch and heel
  •           Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (intensive shockwave
  •           physiotherapy used to stimulate healing and encourage
  •           breaking up of bone spurs)
In most cases, these treatments will relieve the pain of heel spurs, particularly if the pain is associated with plantar fasciitis. In these cases, options such as physical therapy, stretching, heel cups, and arch supports can be helpful. When treatment options don’t provide relief, surgery may be required. Dr. E performs heel spur surgery in Queens and Brooklyn for your convenience.

Heel Spur Surgery in Brooklyn and Queens

If other treatments don’t bring relief, there are surgical options for patients with heel spurs in Brooklyn and Queens. Dr. E can do surgery to minimize discomfort. The procedure may be in-office, at a surgical outpatient center or in the hospital as at the hospital and is called Endoscopic Plantar Fascial Release (EPF). Using two small incisions, Dr. E will detach the plantar fascia ligament attached to the heel bone to relieve the stress from the area and the pressure from the heel spur.
This will allow the tendon to grow new tissue in the area and eliminate the irritation and pain. Dr. E may also choose to remove the heel spur partially or entirely when the plantar fascia is released. This is determined based on several criteria, including the severity of pain, the location and size of the bone spur, and other factors.

Recovery Time

Recovery will require a few weeks at home, including one to three weeks in a walking boot or splint. For the first few days, there will be pain and swelling, and you will need to keep your foot elevated. Full recovery takes up to six weeks but will depend on several factors.

Dr. E can explain what to expect from heel spur surgery in greater detail when you schedule an appointment to discuss your heel spurs with him in his Brooklyn or Queens office. Call 718-873-3174 to schedule an appointment today. In addition to heed spur surgery, Best Foot Dr. NY also offers bunion surgery in Manhattan, mallet toe surgery and many other valuable services to help bring you relief.

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