
NYC’s Best Podiatrist: Effects of Foot Size Change with Age

It is often a surprise for many people to learn that foot size may change with age. The foot aging process can be quite fascinating to learn about. As we age, our bodies completely change as well, and our feet are no different! In this article, we will be learning more about how one’s feet […]

A Queens NYC Podiatrist Explains Lapiplasty: Is it Right for You?

The Lapiplasty definition involves correcting bunions with a generally safe procedure. Bunions develop anytime and may cause shame, pain, and other negative emotions. Curious about what is Lapiplasty, along with the pros and cons of Lapiplasty? We will explore this modern procedure. Best Foot Doctor NY offers professional Lapiplasty procedures to patients looking to fully […]

What Is Laser Nail Therapy For? Brooklyn’s Best Podiatrist Answers

Laser nail therapy is an effective method when it comes to treating cases of nail fungus. This non-invasive procedure has become an innovative method of treatment in the podiatry field. If you’re wondering what it is, we will explain below. Let’s explore how laser nail therapy works and what it can treat. Here at Best […]

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore That Bunion Pain | NYC Podiatrist

What happens if you leave a bunion untreated? Many patients who suffer from bunions try to ignore them, hoping they’ll eventually go away. However, the consequences of ignoring bunion pain are simply not worth it. Bunions might start out causing mild, manageable pain, but the situation can escalate quickly. The best solution for bunion pain […]

Expectations During and After Heel Spur Surgery | NYC Podiatrist

Dealing with heel spur syndrome in Brooklyn can leave many people with heel pain and inflammation that is oftentimes debilitating. Heel spurs can make it difficult to walk and move around as you need to. If you suffer from pain in the back of the heel and further heel spur syndrome symptoms, you may want […]

The Difference Between Ingrown Toenails and Incurvated Nails

Ingrown toenails and incurvated nails can both cause pain and inflammation to the foot, so what differentiates these two conditions? Best Foot Doctor NY is a leading clinic when it comes to dealing with various foot conditions, including those of ingrown toenails and incurvated nails. In this article, we will explore the difference between ingrown […]

5 Best Reasons for Custom Orthotics | Manhattan NYC Podiatrist

The best reasons for custom orthotics may differ for every patient. A foot orthotic can be used for the relief, treatment, and control of a number of foot disorders. Foot orthotics can even be combined with other treatment options for optimal results. This article will explore some of the best reasons for the need for […]

Shoes Good for Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, and Achilles Tendonitis

Are your shoes good for heel pain? If you’re struggling with heel pain, you probably know that certain types of shoes can make the problem worse. Often, just changing shoes won’t make the problem go away on its own. When the pain seems like it’s here to stay, it’s best to visit your podiatrist for […]

Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis From Driving | NYC

Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis are painful conditions that can impair your mobility and cause long-term pain. Many patients have noticed a connection between plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis and the amount of time they spend on the road. Is there really a link between driving and plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis? Unfortunately, the answer […]

What Are the First Signs of Arthritis in the Toes? | NYC Podiatrist

If you’ve been experiencing toe pain, you might be wondering whether you’re seeing the signs of arthritis or of something else. Early signs of rheumatoid arthritis often show up in the toes, which contain many small bones and joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious condition, and early detection helps you and your medical team treat […]

How to Treat Bunions: Surgical & Non-Surgical Options | NYC

Getting a diagnosis is only the first step towards relieving a problem. After you understand what is going on, you and your podiatrist can begin making decisions regarding treatment plans. This article will help you to have the information you need to make an informed decision about how to treat bunions.  Bunions – Diagnosed by […]

How Do I Know If I Have Plantar Fasciitis? | NYC’s Best Podiatrist

The foot is made up of multiple bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that work in tandem to provide support, movement, and balance. One important piece of tissue across the base of the foot is the plantar fascia. This tissue runs from the heel bone to the toe bones and is critical for maintaining the foot’s […]

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