
Bunion Surgery Brooklyn

Considering Bunion Surgery in Brooklyn?

Contact our office today to schedule an initial diagnostic exam and consultation (click here).

Bunions can cause ongoing discomfort while wearing shoes or walking. Bunion surgery in Brooklyn is an option to consider. They often cause a noticeable deformity in the shape of your foot that can be embarrassing and affect your self-confidence. We are here to assist you!

If you suffer from bunions, you know how painful and embarrassing the issue can be. While wearing larger shoes may offer some relief, you won’t find a more effective choice for treatment than bunion removal surgery. At Best Foot Doctor NY we can diagnose your bunion issue and help you determine if bunion removal surgery is right for you. Dr. Emmanuel Fuzaylov is a bunion surgeon in Brooklyn (NYC).

Facts About Bunions 

Both men and women can develop bunions, although it appears that bunions are more commonly seen on women`s feet. A bunion is swelling or enlargement of the large toe joint on the inner side of the foot. The deformity usually develops gradually and will cause foot discomfort and pain from shoes rubbing against the enlarged bone without bunion orthotics. There may be swelling, redness and deep aching pain associated with the bunion joint, causing bursitis.

Why Do Bunions Develop? 

Bunion Surgery

Bunions develop from a weakness in the bone structure of your foot. There is a strong possibility that heredity is the underlying cause. As a result, the joints tend to move out of proper alignment, given the instability of the bones and ligaments that form the various joints and arches in your feet. The bunions are not caused by improper shoe gear. Still, they are significantly aggravated by improperly fitting shoes that place unusual pressure on the bunion joint.

As bunions become more severe, the joint moves out of proper alignment, and eventually, arthritis damages the joint space, causing foot discomfort. The large toe will move sideways towards the second toe, and the foot tends to widen across the metatarsal area. This is a mechanical consequence not usually caused by shoe gear. However, shoe gear can  aggravate the condition and speed up the development of a more serious and significant deformity.

Bunionette – Tailor’s Bunion Deformity

A tailor’s bunion is a small bunion at the base of the little toe. This condition is also known as a bunionette. The name Tailor’s Bunion was derived from how tailors used to sit with their legs crossed as they worked. Crossing their legs puts pressure on the area known as the fifth metatarsal head, subsequently resulting in pain.

There are a few conditions which may cause the “bump” in this area:
1. An overgrowth or swelling of the soft tissue covering this joint (bursitis).
2. A congenitally (at birth) wide head of the fifth metatarsal bone.
3. An actual bowing and/or splaying of the fifth metatarsal bone.

How Are Bunions in Brooklyn Treated? Sometimes, You Need a Bunion Surgeon. 

Mild bunion deformities that require bunion surgery are usually treated by removing a small portion of the enlarged bone at the head of the metatarsal. Our bunion surgeon in Brooklyn may also lengthen the tendons around the joint to realign the big toe. In more severe bunion deformities, your podiatrist may choose to perform several different bunion procedures to realign the meta­tarsal. In some cases, pins, stainless steel screws, staples, wires, or artificial joint implants are used so that realignment of the joint is maintained while the bone is healing.

If bunion surgery is recommended, our bunion specialist will discuss the surgical bunion procedures best suited for your particular bun­ion deformity.

Many different types of bunion procedures are now available, many having been developed by podiatrists specializing in this type of surgery. The procedure selected is based on examination, X-ray findings, age, and patient activity level, factors that can influence the final outcome. In all cases, bunion surgeon and patient need to work as a team for a successful and satisfactory result.

Bunion removal surgery eliminates this deformity by removing the growth and restoring a natural shape to your foot.

Based on your specific needs, our podiatric surgeons will provide you with a local anesthetic before removing the growth and a portion of your toe joint. This may also include an alignment and the insertion of small plates to correct the deformity. Recovery is only a few hours, and you should be able to walk within a day and return to normal activities in less than a week. Contact our office today to schedule a bunion surgery consultation.

Browse through the before and after photos to see how we can help you.

How Can Bunion Surgery Help Me?

With our safe and effective bunion removal surgery you’ll see:

  • The dissipation of swelling in your toes/foot
  • A normal-looking shape to your foot
  • The dissipation of pain while walking or wearing shoes
  • The ability to bend your toes without constriction
  • Confidence while walking barefoot or wearing sandals

In addition to bunion care, we offer comprehensive foot care services that include medication, orthotics, orthoscopy, and effective procedures that can provide relief and boost your self-confidence.

Enjoy the freedom of movement and freedom from discomfort while living an active lifestyle with help from the team at Best Foot Doctor NY.

Next Steps

We offer bunion surgery in Brooklyn. For your convenience, we have three additional locations offering a bunion surgeon: Queens (Jamaica), Manhattan, and Queens (Forest Hills).

Contact our office today to schedule an initial diagnostic exam and consultation.

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