
Symptoms and Helpful Treatments for Diabetic Foot Problems

While visiting a podiatrist to keep up on your foot health is a good idea for anyone, individuals with diabetes are more at risk for complications from foot disease than the general public. If you have diabetes and have a cut or injury to your foot, you should see a medical professional as soon as possible. Best Foot Doctor in New York City (NYC) specializes in helping diabetic patients navigate the ongoing challenges of diabetic foot health. We have offices in Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn that can help you with your diabetic foot problems.

What Happens to My Feet with Diabetes?

Two main conditions affect people with diabetes differently than the average population. We have included a brief description of the nature and symptoms of each below.

  1. Diabetic neuropathy is a condition where feet lose sensitivity and the ability to feel heat, cold, and pain because of uncontrolled diabetes. This is called sensory diabetic neuropathy. Individuals with this condition may feel tingling in their feet or lower extremities and may not be able to sense if something is wrong. If you have or suspect you may have diabetic neuropathy, you must check your feet thoroughly every day for cuts or damage.
  2. Peripheral vascular disease affects how blood flows in the veins. Restricted blood flow means that injuries cannot heal as well or as quickly. Unhealed and untreated cuts can cause infections, leading to ulcers or gangrene if not attended to.

Diabetic Foot Problems to Watch For

While any foot problem could be a cause for concern in individuals with diabetes, the following nine issues may be more concerning than others. If you find your feet suffering from one of these conditions, please schedule an appointment with your podiatrist.

  • Plantar warts: Warts are a symptom of an infection of the HPV virus. If left untreated, warts can spread further and compromise the immune system. Warts can be cut or frozen off, or treated with antibiotics.
  • Ingrown toenails: Ingrown toenails can cause infection, drainage, and cuts, further weakening the immune system. Clipping the toenail straight across and wearing loose shoes can help prevent ingrown toenails.
  • Hammertoes: Hammertoes can cause you to walk unnaturally, creating sores, blisters, and calluses. Splits or corrective shoes may help treat or correct the condition.
  • Diabetic ulcers: Diabetic ulcers break the skin and create sores. These can become infected. If you suspect a diabetic ulcer may be developing, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Dry skin: Keep skin moisturized to prevent dry skin from cracking and allowing germs to penetrate beneath the skin.
  • Bunions: Bunions bend the big toe towards the second toe, causing deformity and foot issues. Bunions may cause sores that lead to infections. Your doctor can help treat bunions and prevent further problems from developing.
  • Blisters: Other diabetic issues can cause blisters that open the skin and become infected. You can treat blisters by keeping them clean and covering any open skin with a sterile bandage.
  • Corns and calluses: Corns and calluses develop when parts of the feet rub on shoes that do not fit correctly. These can break the skin and open up the feet to infections. Your foot doctor can help reduce the risks and treat corns and calluses.
  • Athlete’s foot and fungal infections: These foot conditions allow germs and disease into the feet, which can cause dangerous, even life-threatening conditions like gangrene. If you have contracted athlete’s foot or fungal infection, see a doctor as soon as possible. 

Find a Diabetic Foot Doctor in New York City (NYC)

If you have diabetes and are concerned about a foot condition, you should see a podiatrist as soon as possible. Best Foot Doctor’s office in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens can help you get back on your feet again.

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