
Medical Definition For: Tailor’s Bunion


> Tailor’s Bunion

What is Tailor’s Bunion?

The definition and meaning of Tailor’s Bunion is below:

Tailor’s Bunion, also known as a bunionette, is an abnormal lateral bulge or bump that develops on the outside of the foot at the joint of the fifth metatarsal. It occurs when the fifth metatarsal bone becomes misaligned and sticks out on the side of the foot. This misalignment results in a swelling of soft tissue and a bony protrusion that can be painful when pressure is applied to it. They often cause pain and discomfort due to constant rubbing against shoes and other surfaces that are too tight or do not give enough room for movement. Additionally, this condition may cause redness and inflammation due to friction, as well as possible callusing on the skin due to excessive rubbing.

As time goes by, this condition may worsen if left untreated and can lead to structural deformities of the foot, such as hammertoes or overlapping toes. Despite the exact cause of a Tailor’s Bunion being largely unknown, there are several factors that could increase a person’s risk. These include having flat feet or high arches and wearing ill-fitting shoes or high heels regularly – both of which may lead to intense pressure on certain parts of the foot that can misalign over time. Additionally, genetics has also been identified as potentially playing an important role here; if your family has had a history with bunions, then they might be something you should look out for.

To diagnose this condition, your doctor may take X-rays to observe any signs of swelling or bone remodeling at the site where the bumps are located. Depending on the severity, treatments could range from lifestyle modifications to using custom orthotic devices for extra stability. In severe cases that do not respond to other treatments, surgery can be a recommended option in order to remove excess tissue around joints and realign bones into their normal alignment.

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