
Medical Definition For: Diabetic Neuropathy


> Diabetic Neuropathy

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

The definition and meaning of Diabetic Neuropathy is below:

Diabetes can cause the deterioration of nerves in parts of the body, a condition known as diabetic neuropathy. This disorder involves damage to peripheral nerves connecting your brain and spinal cord with various areas, such as your hands and feet, due to prolonged exposure to high blood sugar levels. If left untreated, it can result in impaired nerve functioning, where severe symptoms may occur. Diabetic neuropathy can cause major disturbances to a person’s quality of life, from minor tingling and numbness sensations in the extremities to balance issues and disrupted digestive function.

These symptoms can be especially concerning if they get worse over time, as peripheral neuropathy may lead to decreased circulation and an increased risk of limb amputation. Thus, those living with diabetes should monitor their physical condition closely and seek medical help when necessary. Taking steps to manage diabetes-related neuropathy can help reduce symptoms and may even prevent further nerve damage. Incorporating lifestyle changes such as dietary adjustments and regular exercise into their routine healthcare appointments may be helpful in mitigating symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.

Additionally, through the implementation of stress-reducing techniques along with maintaining physical activity levels, long-lasting nerve functioning can potentially be maintained for many years. Physical therapy and massage therapies are also important components of a comprehensive treatment plan for diabetic neuropathy. Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is also essential for protecting against future complications.

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