
What Is Brachymetatarsia? Brooklyn’s Best Podiatrist Answers

Brachymetatarsia is characterized by one metatarsal bone being shorter than the other. This condition can cause disruptions to a person’s movement, as well as affect their self-esteem. What causes brachymetatarsia? Is brachymetatarsia surgery the right option for you? Best Foot Doctor NY is one of the best podiatry clinics in Brooklyn to consult for your brachymetatarsia case!

What Are the Symptoms of Brachymetatarsia? 

Brachymetatarsia is a rare shortening of one of the toe bones. By having a shortened toe, you may experience a number of symptoms, such as pain while walking. Many people also develop blisters due to the friction between the shortened toe and their shoes. Other symptoms may include pain in the ball of the foot, difficulty with weight-bearing activities, and discomfort with certain footwear. 

Brachymetatarsia brings about pain and discomfort, and the appearance of a shortened toe can greatly impact a person’s self-esteem. You may be unable to wear certain shoes like sandals or other open-toed shoes for fear of showing the afflicted toe off.  

How Did I Develop Brachymetatarsia? 

Brooklyn’s Best Foot Doctor Explains

Brachymetatarsia can develop for a few different reasons. Many podiatrist experts know that brachymetatarsia is typically a congenital problem when the affected metatarsal bone fails to develop correctly. Also, abnormal hormone levels may be the cause of brachymetatarsia. 

If this condition is not present since birth, it may develop from trauma to the foot. This could be trauma that occurred early in life as well. 

What Is Morton’s Syndrome?

Morton’s syndrome and brachymetatarsia are often connected by people who may be suffering from one or the other. However, there is a big difference between these two conditions. 

Though Morton’s syndrome also affects one metatarsal bone and has symptoms such as pain while walking and discomfort, it is different. Morton’s syndrome typically only affects the first metatarsal bone. To understand more about Morton’s Syndrome and if it may be affecting you, sit down with a Brooklyn podiatrist to discuss your unique case. 

How We Treat Brachymetatarsia | Best Treatment in Brooklyn and NYC

Luckily for many suffering from brachymetatarsia, there are a few courses of treatment. Some common treatments a Brooklyn podiatrist may recommend include: 

  • Custom orthotics for additional arch support 
  • A change in activity 
  • Brachymetatarsia surgery 

Brachymetatarsia surgery can be recommended to help with lengthening the toe bones. Two types of procedures can be done to achieve the desired results. 

Depending on your case, a podiatrist may recommend you either of these procedures to help treat brachymetatarsia. 

Gradual Lengthening 

Gradual lengthening of the toe is a form of brachymetatarsia surgery that involves placing an external fixator on the patient’s foot. A patient can adjust this device at home, with the fixator working to lengthen the toe over time. 

After the accomplished lengthening, the fixator device is removed during an outpatient procedure. Some patients favor this form of brachymetatarsia surgery because, generally, after the device is implanted and removed, people can bear their weight on the affected foot and return to their regular routines.

Acute Lengthening

This treatment involves a bone graft from the patient or another donor being placed into the patient’s toe. After surgery, the patient is required to wear a boot for a few weeks during the recovery process. 

Though acute lengthening typically requires a longer healing time than gradual lengthening, this procedure may be the final opportunity a patient has for the desired results of toe lengthening. 

Do I Need Brachymetatarsia Surgery? 

Every patient’s case is unique. However, if you find your brachymetatarsia symptoms to be putting a halt to your regular activity, it may be time to consult with a foot surgeon in Brooklyn. 

Brachymetatarsia surgery may be the best course of treatment to help deal with the pain and discomfort of brachymetatarsia and get you back to regular healthy activity levels!

Looking for a Podiatrist in Brooklyn Who Performs Brachymetatarsia Surgery? 

Brachymetatarsia may be rare, but it can greatly affect people and alter their lifestyles. Fortunately, advances in podiatry have allowed treatment options to be developed that can help patients deal with this condition. Understanding brachymetatarsia, its symptoms, reasons for development, and treatment options can bring you one step closer to finding the right treatment for you. At Best Foot Doctor NY, our podiatry experts are eager to help. Led by Dr. Emmanuel Fuzaylov, one of the best podiatrists in NYC, Best Foot Doctor NY helps patients with brachymetatarsia find the right treatment solutions. Contact us now to book your appointment!

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