
Do I Need Brachymetatarsia Surgery? A Queens Podiatrist Advises

Brachymetatarsia is a congenital condition that can cause discomfort and trouble walking, as well as affect a person’s confidence and self-worth. Luckily, there is treatment for this rare condition that can leave people ready to get back to their lives with ease. Do you need Brachymetatarsia surgery? What does the procedure entail, and will this mean a long recovery time for you? 

We will discuss the symptoms and treatment options now! Best Foot Doctor NY is the best podiatrist in NYC to help with Brachymetatarsia and other disruptive foot problems!

What Is Brachymetatarsia? Queens Best Podiatrist Explains

Brachymetatarsia occurs when the bone of a toe is significantly short, in turn causing the toe to be much shorter than the other four toes. Though the affected toe can vary for each person, it is commonly the fourth toe next to the little pinkie toe that is afflicted. If more than one toe is affected, this is called brachymetapody. 

Many patients often wonder what causes brachymetatarsia and if the condition can be prevented. Brachymetatarsia is caused by varied reasons, such as genetics, infection, or trauma to the toe. This means a patient may be born with the condition or obtain it later on. The shortening of the toe develops from premature development  and shortening of the metatarsal (bone in the foot). A person with Brachymetatarsia may go through symptoms, such as: 

  • Pain on the ball of the foot
  • Irritation of the shorter toe due to friction
  • Difficulties with gait while walking
  • Pressure and/or discomfort with certain footwear
  • Difficulty completing weight-bearing activities 
  • Self-consciousness and avoidance of toe-bearing footwear, being barefoot, and so on

Brachymetatarsia can hinder a person’s life and leave them feeling uncomfortable with their own feet. Does brachymetatarsia affect one gender more over the other? Some research shows that women are afflicted with brachymetatarsia more than men.

What Brachymetatarsia Treatment Options Are There? 

Though Brachymetatarsia can be intrusive for many, there are treatment options that can help. Some of the most common brachymetatarsia treatments include custom orthotics that provide additional arch support, modified activity, and of course, surgery. Consulting with a podiatrist in Queens can help determine the right course of treatment for you. 

Queens Podiatrist: How Brachymetatarsia Surgery Works

Brachymetatarsia foot surgery is often the right choice for treatment for the proper use and comfort for your feet.  The goal of brachymetatarsia surgery is to lengthen the toes. The surgery techniques can differ depending on the case. Some of the surgery options to a podiatrist may recommend include: 

  • Inserting a bone graft to increase the length of the bone
  • An external fixator to gradually lengthen the toe and have new bone growth fill the space

Recovery from Brachymetatarsia surgery can depend on the type of procedure performed, but generally the timelines range between 6 to 8 weeks. There may be a cast recommended to wear after the surgery for a few weeks, but patients can start to walk anywhere between a month and a half to two months. Talk with the best podiatrist in NYC to learn about how surgery will work for you!

Foot Surgery in Queens for Morton’s Syndrome

One form of Brachymetatarsia is known as Morton’s Syndrome. This occurs when the first metatarsal (the big toe) is shorter than the second toe. Two of the main symptoms of Morton’s Syndrome include calluses and discomfort of the ball of the foot. If you are suffering from this type of Brachymetatarsia, it is recommended you sit down with a Queens podiatrist to discuss the treatment option that may work best for your situation. Foot surgery to lengthen the toe can be the right decision to allow you to feel confident and comfortable with your feet!

The Best Podiatrist for Brachymetatarsia Surgery in NYC Queens 

Brachymetatarsia can alter the lives of patients, especially when it comes to symptoms of pain and discomfort when walking. Fortunately, there are a number of treatment options to fit any lifestyle, including brachymetatarsia surgery to help increase the length of the afflicted toe(s). If you are suffering from Morton’s Syndrome or another form of brachymetatarsia, don’t delay.

Schedule your appointment with an expert podiatrist in Queens. Best Foot Doctor NY is one of the best podiatrists in NYC! Our dedicated team is always ready to answer your questions and discuss treatment options. Contact us now to schedule your appointment and learn whether brachymetatarsia surgery is the right choice for you!

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