
What to Expect From Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus, an infection under the toenails that causes thick, yellow toenails, can spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. So if you’ve decided to pursue laser treatment for your toenail fungus, you may be curious about what to expect from this kind of treatment.

Besides potentially causing embarrassment for the individual suffering from a fungal infection on the toenails, the condition, if left untreated, will continue to spread.  By spreading it can potentially infect other toenails and parts of the body. Getting it taken care of as soon as possible prevents the toenail fungus from spreading. In addition, laser therapy is an excellent option for treatment for many people.

If you are looking for laser treatment for your toenail fungus, it is time to schedule an appointment with a podiatrist. The foot specialists at Best Foot Doctor will identify the severity of your foot fungal infection and advise you of a treatment plan. If you are in the NYC area, Best Foot Doctor has offices in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens that are open and ready to serve you.

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

By far, the most effective and safe procedure for toenail fungal infection is laser treatment. There are little to no side effects when using this treatment. And anyone can have the process done by a podiatrist. In addition, laser treatment works quickly and effectively, minimizing pain and any embarrassment that toenail fungus may cause you.

How Does Laser Therapy Work?

Laser treatment kills fungal infections at the root by disrupting the cells that hold them together. After laser treatment, a patient’s fungal infection is entirely dead. While the toenail may not look any different, the condition has been eradicated. Patients should expect to wait at least 6-8 months or possibly 1-2 years for the toenail to grow back and ultimately return to normal. Sometimes laser nail therapy will need to be repeated, but it is an effective treatment option for almost anyone.

What to Expect After the Process

Caring for your toenails after laser treatment is an essential part of the process of regrowth. In addition, you should treat shoes with a gel recommended by your doctor so that the infection present does not spread to your feet again. Avoiding walking barefoot in common areas where toenail fungus may be present (such as swimming pools and locker rooms) can help you prevent another toenail fungus outbreak.

Other Options for Treatment

In addition to laser therapy, there are two other categories for treating toenail fungus. They are:

  • Topical treatments (creams and ointments)
  • Oral medications

Topical Treatments

Many people try topical treatments to treat toenail fungus, but these can be very ineffective. The best results are achieved using multiple treatment methods so topical creams may be a viable additional treatment for laser therapy. Additionally, you must frequently apply topical creams and ointments for a long time, and you may permanently require treatment.

For topical options to be effective, they require the toenail fungus to be caught early and be a very mild case. Most often, topical treatments are not the solution for a permanent cure.

Oral Medication

Oral medication may also be prescribed for toenail fungus but can be potentially dangerous. These medicines may increase the risks of liver damage and interfere with other prescription medications. And they are not appropriate for some individuals.

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