
What Are Corns on the Bottom of My Feet?

It is easy to overlook our feet until something goes wrong. Pain and discomfort from corns (or calluses) are the body’s way of telling us that something is not working as it should and needs help. 

Knowing that your feet hurt is one thing, but are corns on the bottom of your feet (often called seed corns) actually dangerous? While any foot pain left untreated can become dangerous, seed corns (corns on the bottom of your feet) are more than likely not a dangerous condition.

If you live in Manhattan, New York City (NYC), and are concerned about corns on the bottom of your feet, the friendly staff at Best Foot Doctor is ready and waiting to address your concerns.

How Do I Know I Have a Corn on My Foot?

Corns on the bottom of your feet are easy to diagnose. There are no special tests required to identify this condition. You can identify them yourself based on a visual inspection and consideration of symptoms.

Corns and calluses are very similar in structure and have similar causes, but there are differences. Corns are small and sometimes raised bumps on the skin of hardened skin. They may be painful or tender in the areas around the corn. Calluses are more widespread and generally appear in the areas where the most pressure is applied to the feet, such as the heel.

Three At-Home Remedies to Treat a Corn on My Foot

Treatment for corns is relatively straightforward and can easily be done at home. Corns are caused by repeated friction in an area, so removing the cause of friction should be your first step in treating a corn. The following three steps may be effective in clearing away the corn.

  • Soak your foot in warm water for 5-10 minutes or until the skin softens.
  • Use a wet emery board or pumice stone to rub off the softened dead skin of the corn.
  • Apply moisturizing cream or lotion to the corn to further soften the skin.

Four Ways to Reduce Corns on the Bottom of Your Feet

You may need to follow these three steps more than once to remove the corn altogether. Similar treatments can be effective for removing calluses. If you would like to continue treating the corn with other methods, here are four things you can do to reduce corns on the bottom of your feet.

  • Use donut-shaped adhesives made from moleskin to cushion and protect the corn from further friction. You can find these adhesives at your local Manhattan drugstore, or you could make them yourself out of moleskin.
  • Wear shoes that fit correctly, with wide, roomy toe boxes. This helps reduce the pressure and friction on the feet.
  • Keep toenails trimmed straight across. Rounding your toenails can cause ingrown toenails, which can be very painful. In addition, long toenails can push your toes into unnatural positions in your shoes, forcing other areas of your foot to rub on the shoes and aggravating your corns or creating new ones.
  • Do not self-treat your corns if you are diabetic or have other sensitive issues with your feet. You should see a podiatrist for help with corn treatment and removal.

Contact Best Foot Doctor to Treat Corns on Your Foot in the Manhattan, New York City (NYC) Area

After reading this article, if you would like to find out more about the treatment options for corns on the bottom of your feet, our Manhattan location is conveniently located to serve the New York City (NYC) area. Give us a call to schedule an appointment today.

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