
Understanding Your Nonsurgical Treatment Options For Bunions

Bunions can cause ongoing discomfort that limits your ability to walk, wear shoes, and perform daily activities. If you are currently suffering from bunions, you know how important it is to find relief. However, many patients are unsure which treatment for bunions is appropriate. It can be hard to know when at-home treatments are suitable and when it’s time to seek help from a podiatrist.

At Best Foot Doctor NY, we treat countless patients with bunions. With offices in Queens, NYC and in Manhattan, Jamaica, and downtown Brooklyn, we make it convenient for you to seek relief from your bunion pain. Your podiatrist at Best Foot Doctor NY may recommend bunion surgery, or they may suggest more conservative options first. At Best Foot Doctor NY, we prioritize our patients’ comfort and well-being, and we strive to help each patient make the best possible treatment decisions. Keep reading to learn more about your nonsurgical treatment options for bunions and find out when it might be time to opt for surgical intervention.

What Is a Bunion?

Simply put, a bunion is a bony protrusion at the base of your big toe. It can develop for various reasons, including ill-fitting shoes, genetic predisposition, or foot trauma. Bunions cause your big toe to stick out away from your foot, and they also cause the other toes on your foot to become crowded. This often results in chronic pain. Without effective treatment or bunion removal, you may end up with more serious complications. Bunions can lead to pain developing elsewhere in your foot, and they can cause the other toes on your foot to become misshapen.

What Nonsurgical Treatment for Bunions Is Available, and How Do I Choose the Best One?

There are many ways patients can manage their bunion pain at home. Depending on the success of these treatments and the severity of your bunion, these options may be enough to prevent you from needing surgery. However, it’s impossible to identify the single best treatment for bunions. Sometimes, trial and error is involved before you identify what works for you. Generally, it’s wise to start with the simplest treatment measures you can and adjust from there. Let’s look at a few nonsurgical treatments that have brought many patients relief.

Wear Well-Fitting Shoes With a Wide Toe Box

Bunions don’t always develop because of poorly fitting shoes. However, uncomfortable shoes can be to blame, and they can also make existing bunions worse. Try wearing shoes without heels and with a wide-toe box, and track your results over time. This is one of the simplest things to try as soon as you realize you’re suffering from bunion pain. 

Try Shoe Inserts as a Treatment for Bunions To Relieve Pain and Pressure

Bunions can change how weight is distributed on your feet when you stand and walk. In some cases, shoe inserts can help to distribute the weight more evenly and provide relief. You can purchase shoe inserts over the counter or ask your podiatrist for their recommendation.

Wear a Splint at Night To Correct Your Toe’s Position

Bunions cause your toe’s positioning to change. A splint can hold your toe straight at night, which may provide some relief during the day. While this relief is likely to end if you stop using the splint, it can be worthwhile to pursue.

Try Comfort Measures for Temporary Relief

Simple treatments such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, warm baths, or ice packs wrapped in a washcloth can provide temporary relief. While these measures don’t amount to bunion removal, they can make your bunion easier to live with.

What if Nonsurgical Treatment Options Aren’t Bringing Me Enough Relief From My Bunions?

If nonsurgical treatment for bunions hasn’t been successful, or if your bunions are causing severe pain, your foot doctor may recommend bunion surgery. While a bunion operation may not be your first choice, it may be the most effective way for you to say goodbye to bunion pain for good.

Surgical treatment for bunions has improved greatly in recent years.  Minimally invasive bunion surgery is now available from skilled providers, and if you do need surgery, you can experience reduced discomfort and recovery time. 

At Best Foot Doctor, You Can Get Relief From The Best Bunion Surgeons in NYC!

Are you ready to explore all your treatment options with a team of highly skilled podiatrists? Schedule an appointment with Best Foot Doctor NYC and take your first step toward relief today!

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