
Treat Your Chronic Foot Pain With Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery

Chronic foot pain can stem from many different root causes. Possible culprits include arthritis, deformities, overuse injuries, and many more. But whatever caused your chronic foot pain, you aren’t stuck living with it forever. You have many treatment options to choose from, and traditional foot surgery isn’t your only choice. With today’s minimally invasive foot surgery techniques, you can get back on your feet again with less disruption to your life.

We specialize in minimally invasive surgical techniques at Best Foot Doctor NY in Brooklyn, NYC. Your foot doctor will carefully assess your pain and present you with the best options to treat your condition. Why should you choose a doctor for foot pain who has expertise with minimally invasive treatment? In this article, you’ll learn some of the benefits of minimally invasive surgery for chronic foot pain at Best Foot Doctor NY.

Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery Causes Less Pain and Swelling Than Traditional Surgery

After foot surgery, it’s often normal to feel some pain or swelling. However, the severity of these symptoms can be reduced significantly with minimally invasive techniques. Your doctor uses a tiny instrument that causes less trauma to your tissue. This allows your foot to look and feel normal much sooner.

Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques Can Reduce Your Risk of Scarring After Foot Surgery

Many patients look forward to returning to normal life after surgery for chronic foot pain. This can involve wearing regular shoes and sandals or going barefoot without the need for special shoe inserts. However, some patients feel self-conscious about their feet if they experience significant scarring after surgery.

Fortunately, minimally invasive foot surgery offers an alternative. A smaller incision site means a less noticeable scar. Additionally, because there will be less trauma to the affected area, your incision will likely heal sooner.

Patients Can Return to Normal Activities Sooner

When patients undergo surgery for chronic pain, they’ve likely been living with foot pain for a long time already. This pain often limits their day-to-day activities, and they’re eager to return to their normal lifestyle. The last thing they want is to be stuck on the sidelines after surgery with long recovery times ahead of them. 

When your NYC podiatrist at Best Foot Doctor NY performs minimally invasive surgery, you might be surprised at how quickly you recover. Many patients can walk out of the office after surgery on their own. Your return to work, independence, and your enjoyment of life won’t be on hold for long. 

What Kind Of Chronic Pain Can My Podiatrist at Best Foot Doctor NY Address With Minimally Invasive Techniques?

At Best Foot Doctor NY, our skilled podiatrists treat a broad spectrum of foot problems. Some of our most common minimally invasive procedures include the following.

Minimally Invasive Flat Foot Surgery

Patients with flat feet do not have a sufficient arch on the bottom of their feet. This can place undue stress on the body’s muscles and ligaments and lead to chronic pain. 

While traditional surgery for flat feet might involve cutting bones in the feet and moving them around. In contrast, minimally invasive surgery uses small tools passed through a small incision to increase the patient’s arch.

Minimally Invasive Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the tissue running across the bottoms of your feet becomes inflamed. The pain can be especially bad in the morning when you wake up. 

While specific exercises and shoe inserts can help to manage your plantar fasciitis, sometimes surgery is the best option. With a minimally invasive approach, your doctor can use an endoscopic tool to release the plantar fascia and alleviate your pain.

Minimally Invasive Hammertoe Surgery

The term hammertoe refers to misshapen toes that cause pain when walking or wearing shoes. Hammertoe typically affects the smaller toes in a patient’s foot. 

With a minimally invasive tool, your doctor can correct your toes’ deformity through small incisions that cause reduced trauma. You will be able to bear weight soon after surgery, and you can look forward to toes that are more attractive and more functional.

Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

A bunion is a bony protrusion at the base of your big toe. It can cause chronic pain by creating friction so the affected foot is always rubbing on something. 

Minimally invasive bunion surgery is a game changer. Your doctor can often avoid using a saw and opt for smaller tools, like a burr, instead. While you may need “open,” or traditional, surgery for a severe case, many patients can get the results they need with minimally invasive surgery.

Want to Work With The Best Foot Surgeons in NYC?

At Best Foot Doctor, our providers are highly trained and experienced in minimally invasive foot surgery techniques. Are you dealing with chronic foot pain? Schedule an appointment with Best Foot Doctor NYC to explore your treatment options today!

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