
How to Identify and Treat Seed Corns on Feet

Daily friction, moisture, and weight on the feet can contribute to a variety of issues including corns and calluses. Calluses are painless hard areas of thickened skin formed to protect more sensitive tissues. Corns, on the other hand, are often painful. Hard and soft corns form as areas of skin, (usually on the top or sides of the toes) die and small round areas of tissue become denser. Best Foot Doctor NYC is experienced in treating all types of calluses and corns. This article will focus on the third type of corn; how to identify and treat seed corns. 

What Are Seed Corns?

Seed corn are small, round areas of dead skin, typically found in clusters. They usually form on the sole of the foot and are painful to touch or pressure. 

What Causes Seed Corns? 

Corns are usually a result of pressure or friction on the foot due to poorly-fitted shoes.

Seed corns may be caused by sweat ducts that have gotten clogged and are unable to easily excrete sweat. 

What Complications Do I Need to Be Aware Of?

If the tissue around a seed corn is open, bacteria can easily enter and develop a localized or even systemic infection. Pay special attention to the color, temperature, and swelling in the affected area and seek medical attention if you notice redness, warmth, swelling, or any drainage. These can be signs of a growing infection. 

How Can I Identify Seed Corns?

Seed corns are typically identified by location, appearance, and pain. Your doctor will assess the area for the following identifying features: 

  • small, round areas of thickened skin
  • pain when pressure is applied

Sometimes it can be difficult to differentiate a corn from warts, calluses, or other skin conditions. If necessary, your podiatrist may suggest taking a small tissue sample to biopsy for a more accurate diagnosis. 

How Are Seed Corns Treated?

In most cases, seed corns are treated at home with over-the-counter medications and other home treatments. 

Keep Feet Clean and Moisturized

Soaking your feet in warm water can help to soften the skin around a corn allowing it to come out faster. Keeping the skin moist with a foot cream can also promote healing and make it easier to remove the corn. 

Use an Over-the-Counter Corn Treatment

Apply a corn treatment that contains salicylic acid to break down the tissue. Corn treatments are usually on a pad that you leave on for several hours a day. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. 

Wear Appropriate Footwear

Wear shoes that do not add extra pressure to your feet. High heels, shoes that do not fit properly or are worn down will exacerbate the problem. 

When to See a Podiatrist

If your symptoms are not improving with home treatments or are continuing to get worse, contact a NYC podiatrist. Corns sometimes need more extensive treatment to be removed. 

You should also see a podiatrist if you suspect your corns are getting infected or have any questions about identifying and treating seed corns. 

Best Foot Doctor NYC treats a vast number of foot conditions including seed corns. Contact us today for a consultation with our experienced providers.

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