
Medical Definition For: Tendonitis


> Tendonitis

What is Tendonitis?

The definition and meaning of Tendonitis is below:

Tendonitis is a condition that occurs when the tendons in the human body become irritated, inflamed, or otherwise compromised. It can be caused by repetitive use of certain muscles and ligaments, overexertion, direct trauma to the tendon area, or even systemic diseases such as arthritis. Those who suffer from tendonitis may experience a range of symptoms, from pain and tenderness to reduced mobility. Swelling near the affected area is common, as are stiffness and weakness in the joint or muscle around which it wraps. Sounds of popping or cracking can also occur with movement.

Tendons are structures composed mostly of collagen fibers and elastic components which connect muscle to bone in order to provide stability and enable movement. While they are capable of withstanding immense amounts of tension, they can become susceptible to injury due to repetitive use or sudden force applied directly to them. When this happens, the collagen fibers may tear, resulting in an inflammatory response from your body leading to tendonitis.

To treat tendonitis, rest and immobilization of the affected area can help to initiate healing. Pain relief is typically achieved through prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). A combination of physical therapy with therapeutic exercises may be necessary to regain mobility while minimizing scar tissue buildup around damaged tendons. In cases where conservative measures do not bring desired results, surgery could be recommended in order to restore full joint range motion. It should also be noted that regular monitoring after completing treatment will provide an indicator as to whether further care might still need addressing going forward.

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