
Medical Definition For: Soft Tissue Repair


> Soft Tissue Repair

What is Soft Tissue Repair?

The definition and meaning of Soft Tissue Repair is below:

Soft tissue repair is a specialized medical procedure providing an effective solution for restoring vital soft tissue’s natural structure and mechanics. By reconnecting or reconstructing affected structures, scarring can be kept to a minimum – allowing patients to receive treatment from their homes, usually with local anesthesia. It also reduces patient recovery time by providing quicker healing through more advanced techniques than those available in traditional surgeries alone.

Soft tissue repairs can be divided into two general categories: primary and secondary. Primary repairs involve suturing or re-attaching the affected structures without additional healing time. Secondary repairs involve allowing a healing period before suturing or attaching the affected structures and may include a grafting procedure. In order to restore normal functioning after a soft tissue injury, surgeons must accurately identify the source of damage and then apply appropriate repair methods. This can range from suturing together torn tendons or ligaments with absorbable stitches (suture anchors) to using wound closure strips for skin repairs.

Cutting-edge medical science has revolutionized the way we treat our bodies. From Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, in which patients use their own concentrated platelets, to laser treatments that reduce inflammation and stimulate collagen production. In addition, cryotherapy helps lower swelling on soft tissues while ultrasound promotes local circulation and stem cell injections help facilitate the successful regeneration of damaged structures. Finally, a podiatrist may advise protein-injection support processes to aid tendons and ligaments during recovery for faster healing with minimal complications.

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