
Medical Definition For: Plantar Fasciitis


> Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

The definition and meaning of Plantar Fasciitis is below:

Plantar fasciitis is a condition marked by pain at the back of the heel and base of the foot, which may be experienced especially in the mornings after resting. It occurs due to inflammation of the plantar fascia—a thick tissue band connecting your heel bone to the toes on the underside surface of your feet. Repetitive activities such as running or poor posture, along with wearing inadequate shoes for long durations, most commonly cause this issue. Plantar fasciitis is usually found among those in their middle ages, specifically those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The primary symptom associated with plantar fasciitis is heel pain that is sharp and stabbing when first getting out of bed in the morning or after any period of rest. Over time, this pain may become duller and more constant throughout the day. Other symptoms include tenderness on palpation along the arch area, swelling around the heel area, decreased range of motion in ankle joint movement, and difficulty walking without limping due to excessive discomfort from standing and walking on hard surfaces.

Plantar fasciitis can be effectively treated by identifying and managing any underlying issues, such as improper footwear or existing biomechanical imbalances. Resting and avoiding activities that put stress on your feet is also key to successful recovery. Physical therapy modalities like stretches and massage may improve flexibility, reduce tension in tissue fibers and help manage inflammation—but if more assistance is needed, then orthotics might provide the additional structural support for your shoes. In severe cases where conservative treatment has not provided relief from symptoms, injections into the heel area could offer temporary respite while longer-term effects are being pursued.

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