
Medical Definition For: Eversion


> Eversion

What is Eversion?

The definition and meaning of Eversion is below:

Eversion is a type of movement at the ankle joint that involves turning outward the sole of the foot away from the body’s midline. It is a combination of abduction and pronation, in which abduction occurs at one part of the ankle joint while pronation occurs at another. The most common form of eversion involves dorsiflexion and eversion simultaneously, while other forms involve only one or the other.

Eversion can be used to refer to a single movement or to a series of movements over time. In biomechanics, eversion is an important activity for walking and running as it helps provide stability and support for these activities by helping to reduce shock absorption during contact with the ground and aiding in proper weight distribution. When performing these activities, muscles in both feet must contract in order to create this type of movement. Specifically, muscles such as peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, tibialis posterior, tibialis anterior, and gastrocnemius work together to cause eversion by providing dynamic stability for the foot during walking and running.

Eversion can also be seen when patients perform static activities such as standing or sitting in one place for extended periods. In this case, eversion may be caused by fatigue or muscle weakness on either side of the ankle joint due to prolonged immobility. Due to its importance in stabilizing our lower limbs during activities such as walking and running, people must perform exercises that focus on strengthening their lower leg muscles in order to prevent eversion-related injuries such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis from occurring.

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