
Medical Definition For: Corn/ Heloma


> Corn/ Heloma

What is Corn/ Heloma?

The definition and meaning of Corn/ Heloma is below:

Corns, medically known as helomas, are painful calluses that form from wearing shoes or when friction is repeatedly applied to the skin. Characterized by a yellowish hue and circular shape with a thick center core of hard tissue encircled in concentric layers of hardened skin. These pesky growths typically appear on toes and soles but can be found virtually anywhere that experiences repeated rubbing. Unprotected and poorly-fitted footwear can cause corns to form and an unbalanced gait. Those with deformities such as hammertoes or bunions tend to be more susceptible due to the misalignment of their walking pattern.

To treat corn effectively, the core issue causing friction needs to be addressed. This could range from wearing shoes with thicker soles and extra cushioning at pressure points on our feet, to adjusting walking patterns in order to reduce irritation. In more severe cases, if infection or inflammation occurs, you should contact a podiatrist for medical treatment. Fortunately, they are relatively easy to treat by removing sources of irritation, such as adjusting fitting footwear and changing walking habits while also utilizing various medical treatments available depending on the severity of symptoms experienced.

Patients looking to remove corns have an array of options available. Medicated pads for softening and removing thickened skin, as well as creams and ointments containing salicylic acid, which dissolves dead cells, are viable alternatives. Additionally, laser treatments can provide a more effective solution that preserves surrounding tissues without any cutting or damage done by surgery.

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