
Medical Definition For: Blister


> Blister

What is Blister?

The definition and meaning of Blister is below:

Blisters, commonly called vesicles, are an uncomfortable yet common occurrence for many people. These fluid pockets can form from various sources, such as shoe friction or environmental conditions like cold temperatures and burns. The characteristics and contents of the blisters vary – some contain clear fluids, while others may be filled with blood. When discerning between types, it is important to note that friction typically results in non-bloody lesions, whereas underlying medical issues often lead to infection-related blood blistering.

Blisters are the body’s natural response to prolonged contact with hot or frigid temperatures and certain infections. Generally speaking, small pockets of liquid form underneath affected areas on the skin, such as feet and toes; however, they may occur anywhere else when exposed to a foreign agent for an extended period. In addition, viral infections, including chickenpox and shingles, can cause blisters in clusters along one’s face or body due to the reactivation of underlying viruses.

A podiatrist is the best source of advice when treating blisters. In most cases, they will suggest keeping them clean and protected with a bandage or plaster until natural healing occurs. Additionally, sterile techniques can aid in draining any fluid present within the blister. Obtaining debridement services to remove dead skin assists in reducing the risk of infection, while antibiotics are required should an underlying infection exist upon examination by a healthcare professional. Those with diabetes or immune deficiency disorders must consult their doctor immediately, as these conditions indicate an increased risk of complications resulting from blisters.

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