
The Importance of Proper Summer Footwear

Summer brings the possibility of many different options for footwear. Choosing appropriate footwear for your lifestyle and needs is important. What works great for one person will not work for everyone. If you need help choosing footwear and would like to speak to a podiatrist, you can call Best Foot Doctor in New York City […]

What Are the Most Common Ankle Surgeries

The ankle, the joint bringing the foot and leg together, is an important part of the body. The following article will discuss common reasons for ankle surgeries and what to expect if you are preparing for ankle surgery.  Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery Injury The Achilles tendon runs down the back of the heel and is […]

What Are the Most Common Foot Problems in Brooklyn?

Many people suffer from various foot problems. Thankfully, the issues that are most common are also among the easiest to treat. This article discusses some of the most common foot problems in Brooklyn. They range from injuries to infections but all are relatively simple to diagnose and treat.  Injury-Related Problems Blisters Blisters are caused by […]

Biological Effects of Laser Therapy

Read the 10 Benefits as to Why Laser Therapy Is Beneficial for You. Anti-Inflammatory: Laser therapy has an anti-edema effect as it causes vasodilatation, and also activates the lymphatic drainage system (drains swollen areas). As a result, there is a reduction in swelling caused by bruising or inflammation. Anti-Pain (Analgesic): Laser therapy has a high […]

What Plantar Warts Are and How You Can Prevent Them

While unsightly and potentially embarrassing, the good news is that plantar warts are harmless and usually go away without treatment. However, healing generally takes a long time – sometimes up to 2-3 years. If you are concerned about your warts or unsure if the lesion on your foot is indeed a plantar wart, it is […]

Bunion Surgery in Queens

Considering Bunion Surgery in Queens (NYC)? Dr. Emmanuel Fuzaylov is a reputable podiatrist in Queens performing bunion surgery and treatment. Contact our office today to schedule an initial diagnostic exam and consultation (click here). Bunions can cause ongoing discomfort while wearing shoes or walking. They often cause a noticeable deformity in the shape of your […]

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