
4 Signs You May Need Ingrown Toenail Surgery

Unfortunately, ingrown toenails are a common foot problem. Your toenails are supposed to grow straight outwards. When the corner of your nail starts to dig into your skin and grow in that direction, you’ve got an ingrown toenail on your hands. Toenails are small, and an ingrown toenail might not sound like a serious problem. However, anyone who’s had an ingrown toenail knows they can cause a world of problems. The good news is that there are ways to correct ingrown toenails! Treatments range from at-home care to ingrown toenail surgery. If you’ve got one or more ingrown toenails, the care team at Best Foot Doctor NY in Manhattan, NYC, will help you find the best path forward.

You might be wondering what caused your ingrown toenail in the first place. Maybe you’ve done some research online and seen a range of advice on how to fix an ingrown toenail permanently. In this article, we explore some possible reasons why your toenail is ingrown. We also examine several ingrown nail treatments and provide helpful tips on determining when ingrown toenail surgery may be needed.

Why Do I Have an Ingrown Toenail?

It may seem like your ingrown toenail suddenly appeared overnight, but it can take a while to develop. Sometimes, patients don’t notice the visible changes or physical sensation of an ingrown toenail at first. A few reasons why you may have an ingrown toenail include:

  • Wearing shoes that don’t give your toes enough room
  • Cutting your toenails in a curved shape instead of straight across
  • A foot shape that predisposes you to ingrown toenails
  • Stubbing your toe or otherwise injuring it

While it’s not always possible to determine where your ingrown toenail came from, there are a few precautions you can take to reduce your risk in the future. Wearing comfortable shoes, inspecting your feet and nails frequently, and cutting your nails straight across are all advised.

How Can I Treat My Ingrown Toenail at Home?

Ingrown toenail removal surgery in your podiatrist’s office isn’t always necessary. Here are a few home remedies that some people have found effective. However, it’s important to discuss treatment with a medical professional.

Wearing a Corrective Device on Your Toes

Ingrown toenails often hurt when they come into contact with shoes or other toes. Pressure can also cause an ingrown toenail to dig deeper into your skin. You can try various toe braces and cushions, available over the counter, to ease your discomfort and give your nail problem a chance to resolve itself. 

Foot Soaks to Soften Your Skin and Nail

Soaking your feet in warm water can help reduce inflammation and make you more comfortable. You can add bath salts to your foot soak if you’d like. 

Medications Available Over the Counter

Ingrown toenails pose a risk of infection since they involve broken skin. Using an antibiotic ointment daily on the affected area can reduce this risk. You can also take pain relievers, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to increase your comfort.

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Get Surgery for Ingrown Toenails?

Home remedies aren’t always effective. Sometimes, ingrown toenail removal is necessary to resolve the problem. Ingrown toe removal isn’t just cosmetic toenail surgery. Even if your ingrown toenail doesn’t significantly impact your foot aesthetics, it can still be worthwhile to get ingrown toenail surgery. Let’s look at a few signs that suggest a need for surgical intervention.

#1: Your Ingrown Toenail Is Significantly Painful

You shouldn’t have to be in constant pain from your ingrown toenail. If the pain persists or worsens, you may be a good candidate for surgery.

#2: You’ve Noticed Swelling or Infection Near Your Ingrown Toenail

Your feet are exposed to many different organisms and environmental contaminants each day. Having an ingrown nail makes you more susceptible to infection. If you notice any signs of inflammation or infection, it may be time to get more aggressive with your ingrown toenail treatment.

#3: You Have a Condition That Makes Ingrown Toenails More Risky

Medical conditions like diabetes can decrease circulation, especially in extremities like your toes. If you have any condition that impacts circulation, it’s a good idea to discuss ingrown toenail surgery with your doctor.

#4: Home Remedies Haven’t Been Successful in Treating Your Ingrown Toenail

No one wants to live with an ingrown toenail forever. If more conservative measures aren’t working, it might be time to schedule surgery at your podiatrist’s office.

Best Foot Doctor NY: The Best Ingrown Toenail Surgeons in The Manhattan, NYC Area!

If you need ingrown toenail surgery, it’s important to get expert care. Of course, you could search online for “cosmetic podiatry near me” or “best ingrown toenail surgeon near me.” However, working with an experienced, dedicated foot surgeon can lead to more favorable treatment outcomes and greater comfort during surgery. The team of podiatric professionals at Best Foot Doctor NY is ready to put their expertise to work for you. At Best Foot Doctor NY, your health is our priority. Schedule an appointment today with Best Foot Doctor NYC!

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